The Dating App That 🤑 Printed Me $47K…
Jul 3, 2023

It sounds ridiculous, I know.
But to set the scene…
It was 2021…
I had just dropped out of school, gave up my Division I soccer scholarship, and took most of my reseller savings (I’ve been an eBay reseller since I was 11 years old) and put it all into my digital marketing agency.
Maybe you’re thinking I was a little loco for doing so and I might have agreed with you. However, the story doesn’t end there 😉
For the first 6 months of starting my agency back in 2021, I saw ZERO clients.
Giving up everything I once thought I wanted and to not see any results for 6 months straight can leave you feeling a bit…crushed.
Defeated would be an understatement.
Within that obstacle, presented an opportuinty…to think outside the typical “lead gen” box so to speak.
So I decided to put my creative thinking cap on.
I was exploring the app store one day, waiting for my flight to take off when , I discovered that the dating app Bumble (that I was using at the time for…well, dating lol) also had a business section inside it. 😳
My first couple of conversations were strange and a bit foreign, as I was used to talking to “dates” with this app.
But once the learning curve worked itself out, I started having booked phone call after phone call.
Who knew that this soon-to-be lead gen machine would bring me my first 10 clients?? 🔥
I am forever grateful for what that app taught me.
👉 How to nurture conversations from the chat
👉 How to get rejected and be OKAY
👉 Have almost 100 phone calls
👉 Gathering market feedback
The list goes on…
And on top of that, we did nearly $50K cash collected from that app.
Here’s my biggest takeaway.
You stick to something long enough to get over the doubts and the road bumps and you will succeed.
Success might look different to each person, but to me, I’ll always be grateful for the little Bumble Biz app 😎
To learn more about my life and work, visit
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